Crawl Network

Crawl Network

Networks are often used to paint a picture of how things are connected or how they interact. Genes in a network are either activators or inhibitors of other genes.

Activation and Inhibition

Suppose we’re looking at two genes G1 and G2.

If G1 is an activator of G2, the expression of G1 has a positive effect on the expression of G2. The more G1 is expressed, the more G2 is expressed as well.

If G1 is an inhibitor of G2, the expression of G1 has a negative effect on the expression of G2. The more G1 is expressed, the less G2 is expressed.

Network Complexity

You have control over how complex the network will look. The greater the complexity, the more connections are shown. The order in which connections are drawn is determined by their intensities—that is, the stronger the connection between two genes, the earlier the connection between them is drawn.

Data source

The dataset for this network is from the following study:

  • Cicatiello, L. et al. (2010). Estrogen Receptor α Controls a Gene Network in Luminal-Like Breast Cancer Cells Comprising Multiple Transcription Factors and MicroRNAs. The American Journal of Pathology, 176.